Our Team
At American Abatement we have all the expertise we need in-house to get the job done, including project estimators, project designers, project supervisors, and professionally trained cleaning professionals to complete the team. Our experienced state- and federally-certified workers are the best in the industry and we attribute our success to their dedication and loyalty. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have issued a variety of regulations governing asbestos management and removal. All our managers and supervisors attend ongoing EPA-approved asbestos abatement courses and follow the latest EPA- and OSHA-prescribed techniques and precautions. An Independent Industrial Hygienist supervises all air monitoring. We utilize an EPA- and OSHA-approved NVLAP laboratory to analyze all air samples and we only dispose at EPA approved landfills.
Our professional staff includes James Oleskevich, President & Owner, who estimates and/or negotiates each awarded project and who communicates directly with our Project Managers/Supervisors the scope of work on every project. Our project supervisors and workers are provided with an annual training course at an EPA approved school and all receive Asbestos Certification upon successful course completion. The educational and experience backgrounds of our key professionals are highlighted by technical degrees, certifications, recognition by their peers, plus a continuing commitment to both personal education and service to the industry.
Jim Oleskevich/President & Owner
Jim has been with American Abatement, Inc. since 1988 and became Owner August, 2014. Mr. Oleskevich’s role as President & Owner includes Estimating costs for proposed contracts to do asbestos removal and mechanical insulations work, contract negotiations and overall management of contractual responsibilities. Evaluate with the President, American Abatement’s Operating Procedures and make appropriate changes. Assist in direct supervision of all field operations. Additional responsibilities include training, development of new markets, and coordinating all estimating and functions with operations.
Mr. Oleskevich’s professional training includes: Mold Certified Supervisor Course and AIQ Council Member.